The awarding of freehold land deeds and loan checks to the beneficiaries of Anuradhapura district

The awarding of freehold land deeds and loan checks to the beneficiaries of Anuradhapura district was done under the chairmanship of Mr. Mahipala Herath, Co-Chairman of the North Central Province Governor's District Coordinating Committee. At the Anuradhapura North Central Provincial Council office auditorium, 46 beneficiaries were given freehold deeds, and 250 beneficiaries were given 115 million rupees of home loan checks.

According to the concept of President Ranil Wickramasinghe, the program of giving freehold deeds has been expedited. This program is being implemented according to the instructions of the Minister of Urban Development and Housing, Mr. Prasanna Ranatunga.

Urban Development and Housing Minister Mr. Prasanna Ranatunga has given instructions to officials to provide land deeds and housing assistance promptly through the district offices of the National Housing Development Authority. Accordingly, it has already been implemented. The National Housing Development Authority has planned to give 2000 freehold deeds before the end of this year.

The National Housing Development Authority is currently implementing various housing programs targeting estate housing, rural and urban low-income families, and the "Home for You - Tomorrow for the Country" housing program and the "Mihidu Nivahana" housing program are the main among them.

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