About National Housing Development Authority

The National Housing Development Authority has given special attention as its prime objective to assist the communities which face housing problem throughout the island. Our institution has implemented various housing development programmes during the last three decades. Under these programmes, NHDA was able to provide permanent houses to a large number of people sland wide. These programmes were implemented under various development projects as per the requirements of those periods.

The National Housing Development Authority strived to implement various housing development programmes targeting the poor families, who lived in estate line rooms, rural low income families and urban low income families as well.

At present, under the guidance of Hon. Minister of Housing and Construction, a special attention is focused on solving the acute housing problems of low income families, island wide. In this connection, initiatives have been taken to implement number of housing programmes, targeting the low income families who do not have a permanent house or permanent income source.

The range of housing units of housing programmes starts with minimum facilities of a bed room, kitchen, and toilet. The necessary guidance and advice is be given to construct the basic house step by step.


  • To directly engage itself in the construction of flats, houses and other living accommodations or buildings.
  • To formulate schemes to establish housing development projects in order to alleviate the housing shortage.
  • To cause the clearance of slum and shanty areas and the re-development of such areas.
  • To promote housing development.
  • To develop or re-develop lands for the carrying out of any of the objects of the Authority.
  • To make lands available to any person for housing development.
  • To provide financial or other assistance to persons engaged in any activity which is similar to any of the objects of the Authority.
  • To conduct, promote and co-ordinate activities in relation to all aspects of housing development, and
  • To do all such other acts as may be necessary or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the above objects.

Our Mission

An adequate house for every family in a habitable environment.

Our Vision

NHDA is to promote, facilitate and coordinate on a national scale the provision of shelter requirements for fellow members of our society, particularly those in low income groups, lacking means to acquire a house and which results in the betterment of their social well being and economic prospects.