The awarding of freehold land deeds and loan checks to the beneficiaries of Anuradhapura district

The awarding of freehold land deeds and loan checks to the beneficiaries of Anuradhapura district was done under the chairmanship of Mr. Mahipala Herath, Co-Chairman of the North Central Province Governor's District Coordinating Committee. At the Anuradhapura North Central Provincial Council office auditorium, 46 beneficiaries were given freehold deeds, and 250 beneficiaries were given 115 million rupees of home loan checks.According to the concept of President Ranil Wickramasinghe, the program

Its chairman Mr. Rajeev Suriyarachchi went there today (09) to investigate the work of the Mullaitivu district office

Its chairman Mr. Rajeev Suriyarachchi went there today (09) to investigate the work of the Mullaitivu district office of the National Housing Development Authority.It was after participating in the freehold title-giving program held in the Jaffna district. After arriving at the Mullaitivu district office, tree planting was also done. The National Housing Development Authority is a major institution dedicated to the housing needs of the people of this country. For that, this authority is already

The awarding of freehold land deeds to 106 beneficiaries in the Jaffna district

The awarding of freehold land deeds to 106 beneficiaries in the Jaffna district was done today (09) at the Jaffna Weerasingham Auditorium under the chairmanship of Mr. Rajeev Suriyarachchi, Chairman of the National Housing Development Authority.Home loans of 6.85 million rupees were also given to 20 beneficiaries.According to the concept of President Ranil Wickramasinghe, the freehold title program has been accelerated.This program is implemented according to the instructions of the Minister of

A progress review meeting was held at the Matara District Office of the National Housing Development Authority on

A progress review meeting was held at the Matara District Office of the National Housing Development Authority on 18/01/2023 under the chairmanship of the Honorable Minister of Housing and Urban Development Mr. Prasanna Ranatunga.    Based on last year's experience, how should housing development activities in Matara district be arranged in the new year? The issues were specially discussed here. The Honorable Minister gave instructions to all the officials to provide the necessary solu

Ragama Lavanya Heights housing project,

The Ragama Lavanya Heights housing project, which was started by the previous government in 2016, consisting of 124 houses, caused many difficulties to the beneficiaries who had contracted to buy the houses due to the contractor stopping the construction midway.    As a result of Mr. Rajiv Suriyarachchi, the chairman of the National Housing Development Authority, giving special attention to this, all activities have been planned to start the construction of the project again. According

Beginning of new duties in the year 2024

Getting religious blessings for the beginning of new duties in the year 2024 was held at the head office under the chairmanship of Mr. Rajiv Suriyarachchi.     Taking the challenge of 2023 as an example, how can we prepare for 2024? The chairman addressed the head office as well as the entire district staff through Zoom technology. For this occasion, Vice Chairman Mr. Lakshman Gunawardena, Board of Directors members President's Counsel Mr. Weeraratne, Lawyer Tissa Gunawardena, Con

An attitude training development program for the staff of the National Housing Development Authority

As per the instructions of the chairman, an attitude training development program for the staff of the National Housing Development Authority is being implemented by the training department at the district level.       The workshop held for Kandy district staff was conducted on 09/12/2023 under the initiative of the chairman. Vice President Lakshman Gunawardena, General Manager Engineer KA Janaka, Deputy General Manager Lalith Edirisinghe participated in this event.  &nb

National Housing Development Authority's Vavuniya District title deed awarding ceremony

National Housing Development Authority's Vavuniya District title deed awarding ceremony was held on 12/01/2023 under the chairmanship of Mr. Rajiv Suriyarachchi. Here, 66 beneficiary families who had lost ownership of their houses for a long time got free ownership.Simultaneously, a district progress review meeting was held under the chairman of NHDA and Vavuniya district office with the participation of all officers.For this occasion, Vice President Mr. Lakshman Gunawardena, General Manager Eng

The World Habitat Day was on the second day of October.

The World Habitat Day was on the second day of October. The national ceremony was held at the second stage of Battaramulla Setshiripaya under the chairmanship of Hon'ble Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena at the invitation of Mr. Prasanna Ranatunga, Minister of Urban Development and Housing.  The United Nations Settlement Commission declared this day internationally in 1985 and the first settlement celebration was held in 1986. Since then, the National Housing Development Authority, a pionee