On the advice of the President, the development of the Eastern Province to attract local and foreign tourists has started...

 On the advice of the President, the development of the Eastern Province to attract local and foreign tourists has started...

 The government is very strongly moving towards the respective goals...

 Housing loan of 18.25 million rupees to 51 beneficiaries of Ampara district under the “Home for You - Home for the Country” housing program...

 Freehold title deeds to 110 beneficiaries covering 15 housing schemes in Ampara district...


Mr. Prasanna Ranatunga, the chief organizer of the ruling party, says that according to the instructions of President Ranil Wickramasinghe, the development of the Eastern Province has been started in order to attract local and foreign tourists.

The minister also emphasizes that the government is moving towards the relevant goals very strongly.

Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said this while participating in the distribution of freehold deeds and housing loans to housing beneficiaries in Ampara district under the recently held "A house for you - a future for the country" housing program.

The program was organized by the National Housing Development Authority at the Ampara District Secretariat.

Under the leadership of Minister Prasanna Ranatunga, 51 beneficiaries were awarded housing loans worth 18.25 million rupees and 110 beneficiaries were awarded freehold title deeds covering 15 housing schemes in Ampara district under the Ude Geyak-Rarehi Hetak housing program.

The minister also said:

The National Housing Development Authority was started then with the aim of providing a house to all. A large program was implemented throughout the country through this institution. Unfortunately, the covid epidemic and the economic crisis came. Therefore, it was not possible to reach the expected goals. Today, this institution has managed to provide maximum service to the people by using the limited resources available.

As per the instructions of the President, we have started the development of the Eastern Province. For that, he came to this province and personally investigated and gave us advice on the development of cities. I advised the Urban Development Authority that when preparing city development plans, it needs to be done with the national program. The background necessary to develop the Eastern Province to attract foreign countries is currently being prepared. Also, the President advised us to give land licenses to all those living on government lands. We are currently doing the necessary work for that. Today the government is carrying out those activities strongly. We are moving towards the respective goals.

State Minister of Urban Development and Housing Mr. Tenuka Vidanagamage said:

In 2020, this institution started building houses for low-income families to cover all 14,022 rural service domains in the country. But with the Covid and political crises, those activities were a little hampered. We have resumed those activities now. The project is going on very successfully. Our next goal is to solve the problems of the people of the country through the National Housing Development Authority at the district level. We are working to provide housing assistance as well as land titles in the coming period.

The chairman of the National Housing Development Authority Mr. Rajeev Suriyarachchi said:

The National Housing Development Authority is an institution that has played a major role in the country. The program of providing a shade to the head is carried out by our organization. R. This is an institution that has benefited a large number of people during its journey from the time of President Premadasa until now. But you know, in 2020 there was a covid epidemic and an economic crisis in the country. With that, the treasury was empty. The daily life of the people was disrupted. Government revenue went down. As a result, the money allocated to the ministries from the budget decreased. The Ministry of Housing also worked during the war. The country's priority then was to allocate money for the war. When money was allocated above the Defense Ministry, money was allocated to housing after education, health and highways.

When Mr. Prasanna Ranatunga took over as the housing minister, we took over this institution at a time when the state revenue was down and money was not allocated from the treasury. The minister accepted the challenge. He advised us to build the company by managing the available income and serve the people of the country. When we took over this institution, the income was not enough to pay salaries. I was not in a position to give a home loan. We overcame that challenge due to the right leadership given by the minister. We have given more than 10 billion home loans. About 5 billion of them are in the non-reionized level. A program was started to recover the amount according to a plan. Today, we have brought the debt recovery income from 150 million rupees per month to about 400 million rupees. Today we have started giving back home loans and grants. We have not become a burden on the state treasury.

After a new minister is appointed, what usually happens is that old work is stopped and new programs are started. But the minister advised us not to start new programs. They said not to look at parties, colors and politics. The people were told to give the remaining installments of all the works started earlier. Accordingly, we are currently carrying out related activities. Today, the National Housing Development Authority is providing housing loans and assistance across the country.

Ampara District Members of Parliament Wimalaweera Dissanayake, W. D. Weerasinghe, A. L. Mr. M. Ataullah, Mr. S. M. S. Musharraf and others participated in this event.

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