The National Housing Development Authority is ready to run without burdening the Treasury...

The National Housing Development Authority is ready to run without burdening the Treasury...

 Plans have been prepared to turn the authority into a profitable institution within the next two years...

In the future, the National Housing Development Authority should not become an institution dependent on the Treasury

Chairman of the National Housing Development Authority Rajeev Suriyaarachchimahata says that it will be done.

According to the advice of the Minister of Urban Development and Housing Mr. Prasanna Ranatunga, the period of the next two years.The chairman also mentions that plans have already been prepared to turn the authority into a profitable institution.

2019 – 2020 Five Year Scholarship Examination, GCE Ordinary Level (A-9) Passed and Advanced Level Passed.  Scholarships for the sons of employees working in the National Housing Development Authority who hold university charters.

Attending the award ceremony, the Chairman stated that. Employee of the National Housing Development Authority.This program aims to provide encouragement for the education of sons and daughters of gentlemen.

Started in 2012.A scholarship of 18,000 rupees for 05 years with 300 rupees per month for a child who passes the 5-year scholarship examination, G.E.C. Plain text 12,000 rupees for up to two years from 500 rupees per child who passes the examination and university admission after passing the G.C.E.(O/L).

A scholarship of Rs 36,000 or Rs 48,000 per adopted child for 03 years or up to 04 years from Rs 1,000 per monthis given.this program, which was started in 2012, will serve the National Housing Development Authority for 9 years until 2020.

Scholarships have been awarded to 529 children who have passed the examination. National Housing Development Authority for that.The amount spent is 13.029 million rupees. A fixed deposit of 23 million rupees from the National Housing Development Authority.  Maintained in a bank and the interest earned from it is used for this purpose.The General Manager of the National Housing Development Authority K.A. Mr. Janaka mentions that the applications for the exams of 2021 have been invited.

The children of all employees of the National Housing Development Authority who have passed the examination can apply for this scholarship.On this occasion, the Vice Chairman of the National Housing Development Authority Mr. Lakshman Gunawardena, Board members,General Manager K.A. Mr. Janaka, Deputy General Managers and other scholarship winners and their parents participated.



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