Planning and Monitoring Division

Planning and Monitoring division of NHDA contribute significantly to the success of the organization. Planning discipline or planning system is needed to reappraise the organization and to define the direction it should take. Planning is essentially an analytical process involving and assessment of the future, the determination of desired objective in the contest of the anticipated future, the development of alternative courses of action from among these alternatives. Corporate plan is prepared for 3 or 5 years to determine the objectives to be achieved and fixing the strategies, actions, targets and responsibilities. According to the corporate plan of NHDA within the next five years 40% of the housing needs of low income people will be met through the strategies which has been planed to implement.

The action plan is prepared every year to implement the strategies of the corporate plan. Action plan is a detail plan and activities, cost and responsibilities are yearly defined. The programmes of NHDA should be planed to achieve its objectives with sustainability of the organization. This is the challenge face by planning and monitoring division in planning process.

Preparation of corporate plan and action plan has become compulsory for the state organizations as a result of the development of management concepts. Further the special attention is drawn regarding the corporate plan and action plan before the release of funds by treasury.

Main Activities

Updating the corporate plan of NHDA yearly.
Preparation of detail action plan for development activities yearly.
Preparation and submission of project proposals.
Monitoring and review the progress timely.
Preparation of monthly progress reports.
Preparation and submission of quarterly reports to the stake holders.
Assisting to Organize progress review meetings.
Submission of reports of development programmes to finance ministry and the line ministry with regard to the treasury funds and other funds.
Organizing the Sevana Lottery promotions activities.
Administration, monitoring and progress review of the Sevana Lottery agents who were nominated by NHDA and nominating new agents.